Introduction to Grace System


If you are taking cmsc106 or cmsc216 you will need to use a system called Grace ( You can view this system as a computer the university provides, where you have been given an account. Your account is represented by your directory id (e.g., terps). The account password is the usual password associated with your directory id.

In order to access Grace you need programs that can set up a connection between your computer and Grace so you can log on using your account. Please follow the instructions below that apply to your environment.

             Using WinSCP allows you to write your code on your own machine using your favorite editors (like VS Code, Notepad++, Sublime, etc.) and automatically transfer your code to your grace machines. 

Please note: IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE THAT THE CODE IS CORRECTLY COPIED OVER IF YOU USE WinSCP. If you are having trouble with WinSCP, please contact the TAs for more help. 

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